Our two rescue fur angels

Created by Fiona 3 months ago
Barbara matched us with both our boys. Rumpole came to us as a two year old rescue and he lived to the grand old age of 16 he shared many adventures and was the sweetest gentleman when he passed he left a huge void and in 2020 just before lockdown Barbara again matched us with Theo aged 4 who we had all the time he needed to become his happy self -sadly we only had Theo for 4 years before a terminal short illness took him quickly and far too soon in July this year, Barbara wrote to us and thanked us for giving a home to both our boys but it is us who thank her for all the joy she gave to us through the staffords she sent our way. I know they will be waiting up there at rainbow bridge to thank Barbara also. RIP Barbara-we all owe you a depth of gratitude xxx
